Thursday, July 19, 2012

Are You Angry???


 I haven't wrote in ages so today i thought i should write and i thought i should wrote about how to control your anger and techniques as to how you can take care of your anger.

You shouldn't have so much anger in yourself because your friends can or might get scared of you and they won't even include you when you go out shopping with all your mates. Anger basically being angry, lowers the number of years you will live. So it is important that you do not get angry with your family or anyone, they might not like you or your family members will stay away from you or gt upset by you being angry with them. In fact instead of being angry, you should LAUGH because it is 'the best medicine for you'. Anger raises your blood pressure and so many other things happen to your body because of YOU being angry with anyone. Being a bit angry inside won't affect you. But have you ever wondered what will happen to you because of you being angry with our friends. they might not even like to be your friend. Friends are your nearly the thing you should have in your life. without them, your life is nothing in school (if you don't go to school, sorry don't know what to say to you people about being angry). 

Anyway the way to get calmer is to count to ten and if that doesn't work then count to twenty.  Another way is to get a stress ball. A stress ball is a ball which you can squeeze and isn't hard, It is a soft ball and if you keep on squeezing it then your anger might go away. The way i take away my anger is by thinking about what happened there and how i should have reacted when i was in there so no one could have got angry. Being angry doesn't need lots of work but making your anger go needs a bit of a work and to me i think you should reflect on what/who you were angry about/with so you can think about how the way you will act or say the things you need to say next time. This way you  will not get angry again on the same topic and you will be happy instead of being grumpy. 

Hope You Try Not To Get Angry Next Time!   :)

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