Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to make Pancakes

Hi today i am going to tell you how to make pancakes even though lots of people know hot to make it. i thought i should give this recipe for pancake day. i know pancake day is over but hopefully next year you can make it deliciously. First of all this makes about 8 DELICIOUS pancakes to eat! If it's your first try, GOOD LUCK!

You need:
220g of plain flour 
A pinch of salt
2 medium eggs (it always doesn't have to be medium eggs)
1 pint of milk
50g of butter


  1. Pour the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl with a sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets an exposure.

  2. Make a circle in the center of the flour and break the eggs into it.

  3. Whisk the eggs making sure any bits of flour from around the edge of the bowl are mixed in with the egg.
  4. slowly, add small quantities of milk. (You should keep on whisking even when you were add the milk.)
  5. Continue whisking until the batter is smooth, with the steadiness of thin cream.
  6. Melt the butter in a non-stick frying pan.
  7. Put two tbsp of the melted butter into the batter and whisk it
  8. Let the pancake mix stand for at least 30minutes before cooking
  9. pour any left over butter into dish. this will be used later to grease the frying pan after each pancake has been made
  10. Make sure the non-stick pan is really hot. if it is reallly hot the add 2 tbsp of the batter mixture.
  11. as soon as the batter hits the hot pan, tip the pan around from side to side to get the base evenly coated with batter.
  12. carefully lift the edge of the cooked pancake with a palette knife to see if it's tinged gold.
  13. flip the pancake over with a palette knife to cook the other side.
  14. then carefully put the cooked pancake on a plate
Then you can add the toppings. One topping i would suggest is melted choclate or chocolate spread.

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