Monday, July 9, 2012

Friends: An Important Part Of Your Life!

hey, today i want to talk about friends because i met one of my primary friends after a long time. A friend is a person who you think you can trust. a friend isn't a a person you use then you don't bother about her/him anymore. A good friend is a person who supports you when you are going through tough times or when there is a problem.Friends are a pretty important part of most people's lives. Without friends our lives would be boring.Friend are the person who you can tell all your secrets to and you can rely on them. Many of your favorite memories are likely to include times you have spent with your friends. OK now i will tell you how you can be a good friend. Give your friend a hug - A hug or a smile can show your friend that they are not alone and that you are there for them. Let your friend know that you care for them.( You can do this by giving them a card or something.) Keep in touch with them. Let them say whatever they feel like saying. Never be rude to them also being a good friend isn't as tough as it looks. all you have to do is just care for your friends.Friends make your life interesting and wonderful. Of course friends argue and have fights, that happens to everyone. That is how friendship is tested during these times of arguments and fights. Friends can listen to you and give you help and advice if you want that from them, or they can just listen. Lying isnt goodfor your health also lying to your friends will make them not trust you. Freinds are amazing and you should never think ill of you friend. and alway stry to stay kind with everyone.

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