Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chocolates And Why They Are Bad For You!

Hi people, i am with my friends. It is lunchtime and i am using the school laptop to write this. ok right now 1 of my friend is saying she wants to write. so that is her talking.

"Hello! Faizah here. I am a friend of 'Mukzie' (I'm never gonna let her live that down...) and I think chocolate is amazing. If it was part of our five-a-day I would eat it 6 times a day. Right. I just realised how random that sounded... Still! That's me! :) I love emoticons, they're so cute! And, Mukta showed me her other posts and I nearly ripped her head off for her disgusting grammar and spelling mistakes. Haha, bye for now! [Random person talking here.] :)"

hi again. I know this is boring because it isn't hardly anything you would look at. While i was saying this, my friend Faizah was nearly scrathing the hell out of me. Anyway I told her I am sorry and she forgave me (but not that easily.) Now i want to talk about chocolate since my loud freind Faizah said. Chocolate isn't that good for you. (Even thought i love choclate to death). chocolate isn't that good for you because you can get diabetes. It isn't good for your health and it has too much sugar. I would advise you (only the one's who eat too much of chocolate) to eat around like 3 bars in a day or two.

Eating choclate makes holes in your teeths and then your teeth gets like swollen. i mean like it get s small which will not look nice when you smile. basically like that which i put there. it looks really really gross and ugly to look at.

Do you really want to have teeths like that and be embarrassed. i feel really sorry for that person.(whoever's teeth that is.) Anyway chocolate makes you fat which i hope you don't want to become. in order to loosen weight you have to do exercise. you can eat one chocolate in one day if you want. You can get asthma by eating too much choclate.

Bye for now.

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