Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Well. this is my first blog writing and I'm nervous about what to write. Bet you would feel the same when your writing your first post. Anyway here goes...

I am going to talk about love because i am one of those girls who loves to love. You never realise when you fall in love. Trust me when your in love, you will feel empty when the person goes or puts the phone down after you started talking to him/her. you will feel like you don't want to stop looking at that person also you will want him/her to speak to you all the time. Love is a romantic feeling which everyone knows. Everyone did/does/will love someone one day or the other. first you start of by talking to that person then you will be like to your mates that you don't love him when actually you really don't know whether you love him or not. I HOPE your not getting bored. (I am really tired today since it is 10:30pm and have to go to sleep, so i will write tomorrow.)
always wear your cute pyjama's to bed you'll never know who you'll meet in your dreams! nightiie night everyone.

(For those who are reading this in the morning: Having a rough morning? PLACE your handover your heart....feel that? that's called a purpose. Your alive for a reason;don't give up.)

I know  i'm exus..

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