Thursday, December 13, 2012

Treating Each Other.

Hi, i'm bored and thought i will write about something that comes to my mind. i talk so much when i want to but some times i just stay quiet because i don't know what to talk about. anyway today i thought i will write about treating each other with respect because it just suddenly came to my mind maybe becuase of my friend sitting next to me in drama . i don't know how but it just came to my mind. Anyway it is important to treat each other with respect because they can feel sad or isolated. Some people think words doesn't hurt anyone but it does hurt. i know how it feels. When you swear at a person, they remember it for the rest of their life and just hurts them inside and makes them lose hope and faith in themselves. i know i'm just 14 (turned 14 on August 2013 :D) but when people swear at me, it doesn't make me small but hurts me.

Think how you would feel if someone swears at you or does something that hurts you.

Sorry i couldn't write more because nothing else came into my mind. :)

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