Saturday, December 8, 2012

Why Should We Read Books??

So Peeps, I haven't written in ages because i didn't know what to write about but now i do. But first of all i bet you keep wondering why i keep on saying 'peeps' or people, why don't i say guys. Well i don't say guys because i know there are people out there who are girls and women not only boys. Well today i wanted to write about why reading is good for you. For people who go to school or college i bet your teacher's tell you to read but you don't always have to read a story. You can read newspapers  magazines and other things. well right now you are reading this so it is good for you. reading helps you in all sorts of way. Let me tell you what they help you in. 

  • Your English Improves
  • You can get a really nice job
  • You don't have to worry about spelling mistakes (when applying for jobs e.g c.v or writing about yourself)
  • You can use big words. (this will make people think your smart oops, you will be smart)
  • Reduces stress
  • Makes you go into another different world
  • The newspaper tells you all the thing happening outside your country
  • It makes you more creative
  • 'Improves memory – Many studies show if you don’t use your memory, you lose it. Crossword puzzles are an example of a word game that staves off Alzheimer’s. Reading, although not a game, helps you stretch your memory muscles in a similar way. Reading requires remembering details, facts and figures and in literature, plot lines, themes and characters'
  • It decrease your boredom. so whenever your bored, you can read instead of complaining to your parents

I'm sure that's enough reasons as to why you should read.There are so many books out there and so many genre's as well. if you want to get a good grade, i suggest you start reading. Let me tell you something, i used to hate reading but now i love reading because whenever i get angry (anger problems) i just read a book and it helps me reduce my anger. I hope i helped you. :)

Here are some books: The First three books are made into films as well. Also the story of Tracy Beaker is also a serial in CBBC.

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