Sunday, January 20, 2013

Snowy Snowy SNOW!!

Hey guys, I am so happy and excited since it is snowing in my area which is basically in London. (I won't say which part though.)

It started on Friday around like 9:30ish. anyway when it was snowing at that time, my form(in secondary we call it a form but in normal, it is a class) were really excited and they were leaving their class work and were going towards the window to see it. Our teacher tried so hard to get them to sit down, then he started blackmailing them,(Teachers always do that). He said that if they don't sit down, we will have to go to the head or stay throughout  the whole break.

Right now, there are so many people outside playing with the snow. It is really nice to watch them have a snowball fight, I enjoy it.

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